Individual Page Preferences
If you do not have a website, please use these forms to tell us about the pages you would like on your website.
If you already have a website and want your page content to stay the same, you do not need to submit the following information. We will use the information on your current site.
If you have a website and want additional pages or changes to pages, submit them using the applicable form below.
We need to know the information you would like on each page of your website. For example, if you would like an ‘About Us’ page, we need the content and/or images you would like for us to include.If the content can be found online somewhere, just tell us how to find it.
This form should be submitted for each page you would like to have on your website. Examples of some common page types include:
About Us – Contact Us – FAQ – Terms/Policies – Photo Gallery – Calendar – Services – Reviews/Testimonials – Latest News – Customer Account Page – Privacy Policy (required for eCommerce) – Other
For photo galleries, we can connect your website to your Instagram account, you can email us your photos, or we can get them on a flash drive or disk. If you would like a photo gallery, just submit this form telling us how you would like to get the images to us.
We need to know about your products. The easiest method is to send us an excel file that includes your product details (name, sku, description, pricing, images, etc.). If this is not possible, we will contact you for more information.