Startup Questionnaire

    I have a website I want redone.I do not have a website.

    If you do currently have a website, please briefly describe what is on your website that you do NOT want and what is not on your website that you DO want. This should just be a brief summary. We will get further details on the Individual Page Preferences below.

    We need the log in credentials (Username/Password) for your domain account as well as your hosting account (unless you purchased hosting with us).

    General Style Preferences 

    • Please share with us one or two websites that appeal to you to give us an idea of your preferences. You may also look on our Examples pages and include items that you like from those provided.

    • If you have color preferences, include them here as well.

    Please upload your logo if applicable (not necessary if it is currently on your website):

    Please include any applicable social media information:

    Facebook URL

    Twitter User Name

    Instagram User Name
    *If you would like your photos from Instagram to show up as a Photo Gallery on your website, enter your login credentials:

    Other Social Media credentials:

    Individual Page Preferences

    If you do not have a website, please use these forms to tell us about the pages you would like on your website.

    If you already have a website and want your page content to stay the same, you do not need to submit the following information. We will use the information on your current site.

    If you have a website and want additional pages or changes to pages, submit them using the applicable form below.

    Home Page

      Check the items you are interested in for your website:
      About UsContact UsFAQTerms/PoliciesPhoto GalleryCalendarServicesReviews/TestimonialsLatest NewsCustomer Account PageSell ProductsPrivacy Policy (required for eCommerce)Other

      If you checked 'Other' above, briefly describe the purpose of this page (or pages), then use the 'Additional Pages' form below to submit more detailed requirements.

      Please submit any images or files you want included on your home page. If you need to submit more images or documents, resubmit this form as many times as needed, or you can send them via email.

      Additional Pages

      We need to know the information you would like on each page of your website. For example, if you would like an ‘About Us’ page, we need the content and/or images you would like for us to include.If the content can be found online somewhere, just tell us how to find it. 

      This form should be submitted for each page you would like to have on your website. Examples of some common page types include:

      About Us – Contact Us – FAQ – Terms/Policies – Photo Gallery – Calendar – Services – Reviews/Testimonials – Latest News – Customer Account Page – Privacy Policy (required for eCommerce) – Other

        Page Name (Example "About Us" Contact Us")

        Please submit any images or files you want included on this page. If you need to submit more images or documents, resubmit this form as many times as needed.

        Photo Gallery

        For photo galleries, we can connect your website to your Instagram account, you can email us your photos, or we can get them on a flash drive or disk. If you would like a photo gallery, just submit this form telling us how you would like to get the images to us.

          eCommerce (Sell Products)

          We need to know about your products. The easiest method is to send us an excel file that includes your product details (name, sku, description, pricing, images, etc.). If this is not possible, we will contact you for more information.

            If your products are currently online, please tell us where:

            Do you need your website to manage inventory (stock quantities)?

            If you answered Yes above, is there (or can there be) a file online with updated stock quantities? If so, enter the address of the file:

            If you need to manage stock and there is no file online with up to date stock quantities, please submit the current stock quantities for each product. This information can be included with the master excel file if applicable.

            How would you like the shipping to be calculated? Weight? Flat Rate? By Item quantity? Free Shipping?

            How do you accept payments? If you are not currently accepting payments, the easiest way to get started is to open a Paypal business account. We will either need the login information or some specific credentials (depending on the processor you use) to connect your website to your payment processor. We will contact you regarding this needed information.

            If possible, please submit an excel file that includes your product details.